Two Former Girl Scout Leaders Given Volunteer of Excellence Award
Submitted by Tanya Parmelee
Gretchen Caulfield and Susan Barnes Photo provided
Each year, Lafayette Girl Scouts Service Unit 326 recognizes those extraordinary leaders that go beyond their expected roles. Former leaders Gretchen Caulfield (Troop 32787) and Susan Barnes (Troop 32788) were each presented with the Volunteer of Excellence Award this past fall.
Caulfield co-led the troop for six years, going beyond basics to make sure the girls were a part of meaningful lessons and learning from activities - not just going through the motions to check off a badge. Through their fourth grade journey adventure, materials were presented in the best way to help better understand each section.
From the troop: "Gretchen...goes the extra mile to ensure that things are done the right way with the maximum amount of fun for the girls."
With Barnes' leadership and mentoring, the girls not only gained invaluable experiences and memories over the years, they topped off fifth grade by organizing and hosting a successful 2013 father/daughter dance. Barnes made sure the 18 girls of both fifth grade troops were able to see how individual jobs fit into the big picture. Each girl had to share her part, solicit input and report back with results.
Thanks to these inspiring and determined women, Burton Valley School's 2012-13 fifth grade troops bridged to Cadette status at the end of the school year. Girl Scouts of Northern California will be formally recognizing award recipients March 8 in the Alameda offices.
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