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Published May 7th, 2014
MBA Box Scores

Mustang Division
April 12
A's 3, Cubs 1
A's Highlights: Adam Harper 2-for-2, 1B, 3B, 1 RS, 1 RBI; Shan Brinton 1-for-2, 1 RBI; Donovan Castilla-Liu 1-for-2, 1 RS.
Cubs Highlights: Mason Fara 2-for-3, 1B, 2B, 1 RS; Tyler Kivelson 2-for-3, 1B-2, 1 RBI; Jack Beaty 4K's in two perfect innings.

Red Sox 9, Yankees 4
Red Sox Highlights: Evan Olson 2-for-3, 2 RS, 2 RBI; Jack Williams 2-for-3, RS, 2 RBI; Connor Fritch 2-for-2, BB, RS.
Yankee Highlights: Vito Crudele 0-for-1, BB, RS; Luke Olsen 1-for-2, 2 S, BB; Xavier Esquer 1-for-3, RS 2 RBI.

April 16
Red Sox 15, Cubs 11
Red Sox Highlights: Evan Olson 3-for-4, 1B, 2-2B, 1 RS, 4 RBI; Charlie Revelis 2-for-3, 2 RS, RBI; Dylan Rusconi 1-for-2, 1B, 2 RS, RBI.
Cubs Highlights: Wiley Winker 3-for-3, 2-1B 2, 2B, 1 RS, RBI; Jack Beaty 2-for-3, 2 RS; Mason Fara 2-for-3, 2 RS, RBI.

April 19
Yankees 13, Cubs 14
Yankees Highlights: Xavier Esquer 2-for-2, 1B, 2B, 2 RBIs & 2 RS; Andrew Pan 2-for-3, 1B, 2B, 1 RBI, 1 RS; Justin Myers 1-for-3, 2B, RBI, 2RS; Vito Crudele 1-for-3, 1 RS
Cubs Highlights: Wiley Winkler 1-for-4, game-winning 2 RBI; Mason Fara 4-for-4, RBI, 3 RS; Jack Beatty 1-for-2, HR, 4 RBI, 2 RS; Jules Frippiat, 1-for-3, 1 RS.

Red Sox 9, Cardinals 4
Red Sox Highlights: Connor Fritch, 1-for-2, 2 RBI's, 1 RS, 3 IP, 0 ER; Jack Williams, 2-for-3, 2 RBI's, 2 RS.
Cardinals Highlights: Logan Robeson, 1-for-2, 1 RS, 3 IP, 0 RS; Ryan Sintchak, 1-for-1, 1 RS; William Pirone, 1-for-2.

A's 4, Giants 3
A's highlights: Adam Harper 3-for-3, 2B, 1 RBI, 1RS, 2 IP, O ER, 2 K; Shan Brinton 2-for-2, 2B; Garrett Nelson 1-for-1, BB; Luca Rago 1-for-3, 1 RBI - game tying hit, 2.2 IP, 5 K.
Giants highlights: Max Rittmann 3-for-3, 2 2B, 1 RBI, 2.1 IP, 1 ER, 3 K; Scott Linden 2-for-3, 2B, 1 RBI, 1 RS, 2.2 IP, O ER, 3 K; Nicholas Buck 2-for-3, 1 RBI, 1 RS; Aidan Paul 2 BB, 1 RS.

April 21
A's 13, Yankees 5
A's highlights: Adam Harper 3-for-3, 3B, 2-2B, BB, 3 RBI, 3RS; Luca Rago 3-for-4, 3-2B, 4 RBI, 3 RS; Charlie Hill 3-for-3, 4 SB, 3 RS.
Yankee's highlights: Ben Jules 2 IP, 0 ER, 6 K; Xavier Esquer 1-for-2, 2 SB, 1 RS; Scott Linden 2-for-3, 2B, 1 RBI, 1 RS, 2.2 IP, O ER, 3 K; Luke Olsen 1-for-2, 2 SB, 1 RS.

April 22
Red Sox 7, Giants 4
Red Sox Highlights: Nick Gryko 1-for-2, 3 RBI; Dylan Rusconi 1-for-2, RS, RBI; Connor Fritch, 2-for-2, 2B, 2 RS, RBI.
Giants Highlights: Max Rittman 3 IP, 1 ER, 2-for-3, 2 RS; Grant Roesch 1-for-2, 2 RBI.

April 24
Giants 11, A's 8
A's Highlights: Sal Meehan 2-for-2, RBI, 3 RS; Lucas Concepcion 2-for-3, 3 RBIs, RS; Charlie Hill 2-for-4, 3 RS.
Giants Highlights: Will Studebaker 2-for-3, RBI & RS; Zach Donovan 1-for-2, RBI & RS; Hayden Prizeman 1-for-2, RS.

April 29
Giants 7, Cubs 5
Giants Highlights: Ben Marston 1-for-2 3B, RBI, RS; Grant Roesch 1-for-2, 2 RBI; Will Studebaker 2IP, 5 K's, 2 hits, 0 walks.
Cubs Highlights: Michael Coane 2-for-3, RBI; Jules Frippiat, RBI.

April 30
A's 13, Red Sox 9
A's Highlights: Donovan Castilla-Liu 3-for-3, BB, 2 RBI, 4 RS; Adam Harper 3-for-3, BB, 2 RBI, 3 RS; Brendan Comerford RBI; Charlie Burke SB, RS.
Red Sox Highlights: Dylan Rusconi 3-for-3, 2B, 3 RS, RBI; Nick Gryko 2-for-3, 2 RS, RBI; Charlie Revelos 2-for-3, 2 RS, RBI; Robbie Mascheroni, 1-for-3, 2 RBI.

May 3
Cubs 8, A's 3
Cubs Highlights: Michael Coane 1-for-3, 2RBI, 1RS, 2 IP, 3 K's, 1 ER; Tyler Kivelson 0-for-1, 2 BB, 1 RS; Wiley Winkler 1-for-2, BB, 1 RBI, 1 RS.
A's Highlights: Adam Harper 1-for-2, BB, 3 IP, 0 ER, 0 hits; Shan Brinton 2-for-3, 1 IP, 0 ER; Duke Okamura 1-for-3.

Pinto Division
April 16
A's 11, Angels 6
Angels Highlights: Edgar Alford 1-for-3, RBI; Macsen Freeman 1-for-3; Julia Erickson-King 1-for-3, RBI and Joe Revelos 1-for-3, Run, RBI.
A's Highlights: Max O'Balle 3-for-3, 2 runs, 2 RBIs; Dante Vattuone 1-for-3, Run, 2 RBIs; Rylen Salvi 1-for-3, Run, 2 RBIs; and Bradley Schoenberger 1-for-3, Run, 2B.

April 19
A's 13, Cardinals 11
A's Highlights: Jake Ruffalo 2 for 3, 1 RBI; Max O'Balle 2 for 3, 3RBI's; Rylen Salvi 2 for 3, 1 RBI.
Cardinals Highlights: Adrian Blumberg 3 run HR; Quinn Flanagan 3 for 3; Clayton Naffziger 3 for 3, 1 RBI.

April 22
A's 13, Pirates 12
A's Highlights: Dante Vattuone 3-for-3, 1 RBI, 1 RS; Jake Ruffalo 2-for-3, 2 RBI, 1 RS;
Rylen Salvi 2-for-3, 2 2B, 2RBI, 1 RS.
Pirates Highlights: Brendan Baldelli 4-for-5, 2RS, 1 RBI; Nolan Cuddihy 2-for-4, 2RBIs; Will Cook 3-for-4, 3 RS.

April 19
Red Sox 14, Angels 20
Red Sox Highlights: Josh Batra 4-4, 4 RS, Drew DeFranscici 3-4, 3 RS, Doug Ellery 3-3, 2 RS
Angels Highlights: Sam Whipple 4-4, 2 RS; Thomas Colpo 4-4, 3 RS; Ben Whipple, Ainsley Johnson, Teo Spiropulo, Julia Erickson-King and Macson Freeman all went 3-4.

Pirates 20, Yankees 15
Pirate Highlights: Andy Moon 5-for-5, HR, 2-2B, 3RS, 5 RBI; Nolan Cuddihy 4-for-4, 3 RS, 3 RBI; Michael Herrington: 4-for-4, 1 RS, 3 RBI.
Yankee Highlights: William Myers 3-for-4, 2RS, 4RBI; Colin Spencer: 3-for-4, 1-2B, 1RS, 4 RBI; Lleyton Osteen: 3-for-3, 3 RS, 1 RBI.

April 22
Yankees 6, Giants 5
Giant Highlights: Landon Fly 3-for-3, 3-2B, 1 RS, 2 RBIs; Kyle Ting 2-for-3, 2B, 1 RS, 1 RBI; Will Barish 2-for-3, 1 RS, 1 RBI.
Yankee Highlights: James Giordani 1-for-3, RS; Thatcher Cattell 3-for-3, 1 RS, 1 RBI; Blaise Clancy 2-for-3, 1 RBI.

April 23
Red Sox 19, Cardinals 17
Red Sox Highlights: Isaiah Ortiz 4-for-4, 2B, 2 RS; Max Polk 2-for-4, 2B, 2 RS; Gunner Chapman 3-for-4, 2 RS.
Cardinals Highlights: Tyler Bullock 4-for-4; 1 RS; Jack Mooradian 3-for-4, 3 RS; Blake Webster 4-for-4, 2 RS.

Angels 12, Yankees 11
Angels Highlights: Charlie Murrin 2-for-3, 2 Runs, 3 RBI, HR; Macsen Freeman 1-for-2, Run; Peter Appleton 1-for-3, 2 Runs, RBI; Ainsley Johnson 2-for-3, Run, 2B.
Yankees Highlights: Corey Nelson 2-for-3, Run, 3RBI, 2 2B; Jake Spencer 3-for-3, 3 Runs, 2 RBI, 2 2B; James Girodini 2-for-3, Run, 2 RBI.

April 26
Giants 14, Red Sox 4
Red Sox Highlights: Cal Chivers 3-for-3; Drew DiFrancisci 3-for-3; Scott Lyons 3-for-3
Giants Highlights: Landon Fly 4-for-4, 3 RS; Will Barash 4-for-4, 1 RS; Levi Olsen 4-for-4, 2 RS.

April 29
Yankees 14. Red Sox 12
Red Sox Highlights: Douglas Ellery 2-for-3, 2B, 1 RS, 1 RBI; Drew DeFrancisci 3-for-3, 2 RS, 1 RBI; Ryan Rittmann 2-for-3, 1 RS, 1 RBI.
Yankee Highlights: William Myers 2-for-3, 2 RS, 1 RBI; Colin Spencer 2-for-3, 1 RS, 3 RBIs; James Giordani 2-for-3, 3 RS, 2 RBIs.

A's 17, Giants 7
A's Highlights: Jack Harper 4-for-4, 2 RBI's, 2 RS; Dante Vattuone 2-for-3, 2RS; Brandon Pena 3-for-3, 2 RBI, 3 RS.
Giants Highlights: Kyle Ting 3-for-3, 2RS; Jason Runckel 2-for-3, 4 RBI's, 2 RS; Ben Tallon 2-for-2.

Red Sox 12, Yankees 14
Red Sox Highlights: Drew DiFrancisci 3-for-3, 2 RS; Scott Lyons, Isaiah Ortiz and Ryan Rittman all went 2-for-3.
Yankees Highlights: William Myers, Jake Spencer, and Corey Nelson all went 3-for-3; James Giordani 3-for-3, 3 RS.

April 30
Cardinals 13, Angels 10
Angels Highlights: Teo Spiropulo 1-for-2, 2 RBI, 2B; Nolan Paul 1-for-2, Run; Charlie Murrin 3-for-3, 2 Runs, 2 RBI, 2B; Sam Whipple 2-for-3, Run, 4 RBI, HR.

Cardinals Highlights: Adrian Blumberg 3-for-4, Run, 5 RBI; Blake Webster 3-for-3, 3R; Leighton Jay 4-for-4, 3 RBIs; Clay Naffziger 3-for-3, 3 Runs, 4 RBI, HR.

Giants 8, Pirates 6
Pirates Highlights: Joey Cecchin 2-for-3, 2-2B, 2 RS, RBI; Hudson Pergamit 2-for-3, 2B, 2 RS, 2 RBIs; Nolan Cuddihy 3-for-3.
Giants Highlights: Luke Bonardi 3-for-3, 1 RS; Levi Olsen 2-for-3, RS, RBI; Ben Tallon 2-for-3, RS, RBI.

May 3
A's 13, Yankees 8
A's Highlights: Max Robeson 3-for-3, 1 RS, 4 RBI's; Dante Vattuone 3-for-3 1 RBI; Christian Prizeman 1-for-2, 2 RS, 1 RBI.
Yankees Highlights: Colin Spencer 3-for-3, 1 RS, 1 RBI; Cort Woodford 1-for-3, 1 RBI; Blaise Clancy 2-for-3, 2 RS, 1 RBI.

A's 5, Red Sox 6
A's Highlights: Max Robeson 3-for-3; Connor Naughten 3-for-3; Jack Harper, Rylen Salvi and Max O'Balle all 2-for3.
Red Sox Highlights: Josh Batra 3-for-3, 2 RS; Doug Ellery 3-for-3, 1 RS; Scott Lyons 2-for-3, 1 RS; Cooper Chang 1-3, GW RBI.


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