Back row, from left: Gavin Jones, Owen Gonzales, Felix Varnai; Kristi Conner and Hayden van Steyn; front row: Chaya Tong, Ella Thomason, Leela Anzenberger and Declan Henderson Photo provided
Nearly 450 Lafayette students participated in the annual Friends of the Lafayette Library and Learning Center's Bookmark Contest. The Awards Ceremony took place at the Lafayette Library on April 30. Each first-time winner received a $25 gift certificate from the Storyteller and the "Hall of Fame" winners received a $25 gift certificate from the Friends Corner Book Shop. The Hall of Fame honors students who submit outstanding artwork and have won the contest previously. In addition, Anthony Ruiz of Fastframe in Lafayette, who also frames all the winners' artwork for display in the Library, will frame each student's bookmark free of charge. He has generously supported the Bookmark Contest for over 15 years.
The winners are:
First Grade - Leela Anzenberger, Burton Valley Elementary School;
Second Grade - Ella Thomason, Springhill Elementary School;
Third Grade - Declan Henderson, St. Perpetua School;
Fourth Grade - Kristi Conner, Lafayette Elementary School;
Fifth Grade - Hayden van Steyn, Happy Valley Elementary School;
Sixth Grade - Gavin Jones, Stanley Middle School; and
Seventh Grade - Felix Varnai, Stanley Middle School.
Hall of Fame winners: Chaya Tong, a fifth-grader at Springhill Elementary School and Owen Gonzales, a sixth-grader at Stanley Middle School.
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