Cub Scout Pack 200 representing the Springhill neighborhood of Lafayette kicked off the new scout year with a September campfire meeting at the Twin Canyons Girl Scout Camp. At the meeting new Tiger Cub Scouts (first graders) were welcomed to the organization. Returning scouts were awarded badges for summertime accomplishments. Parents learned of upcoming planned scouting outings and activities. All scouts and parents were trained on the nuances of BSA Popcorn Fundraising Sales by two-time popcorn sales leader Jackson Steele. And, of course, the campfire program included a flag ceremony and campfire singing. Photo shows Assistant Cubmaster Paul Mason, Wolf Scout Cole Mason, and Bear Scouts Chase Caicedo and Cameron Bodel preparing to lead a Pack 200 campfire song. Nonprofit organizations interested in renting out the Twin Canyons campsite (or other Girl Scout organization sites) can do so at:
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