Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates is inviting Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda Residents to participate in a simple, quick online survey about potential new transportation alternatives to better serve Lamorinda. One way to lessen congestion is, not surprisingly, getting cars off the road. The team has come up with several ways to do that, but the options may all not be appealing or practical to users, hence their request for real live residents to chime in with opinions. The consultants did a survey back in November and based on that feedback, they developed several potential service alternatives for commute, school-based and community trips. A few minutes of clicking would help them further refine their recommendations on what folks would actually use or not use due to convenience, cost or hassle factors. Go to to share your thoughts. Any questions, call Terra Curtis at (415) 284-1544. The survey started in late May and will be open through June 12.
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