Published February 24th, 2016
business briefs
Patrick Russell Photo provided |
24 Hour Fitness Moraga Welcomes New Club Manager
351 Rheem Blvd., Moraga
(925) 377-2400 - www.24hourfitness.com
Patrick Russell, the new club manager at 24 Hour Fitness Moraga Rheem, has worked in several 24 Hour Fitness clubs throughout the Bay Area during his career. Russell brings a passion for fitness to his new position that works well with the large variety of fitness options that the club offers to members of all ages and fitness levels. Amenities include personal training, TRX Suspension Training, TC24 (the latest group training programs) as well as Group X classes including specific classes for the Active+ audience, yoga, Zumba and Step. "Fitness has been incredibly impactful on my life, both professionally and personally, and I am thrilled to share my passion with the town of Moraga. Our club and its programs bring together a community of like-minded people," he said. "Moraga residents visit the gym to take classes with friends and explore new fitness solutions. This kind of support is proven to reinforce our core lifestyle principles of mindset, movement, nutrition and regeneration - the essential recipe for achieving personal fitness goals."
OSH Celebrates Grand Re-Opening in Moraga
1550 Canyon Rd., Moraga
(925) 377-0994
Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH), as the local paint, hardware and backyard retailer, celebrated the Grand Re-Opening of its Moraga store on Saturday, Feb. 20. OSH commemorated the new, award-winning designed store and its updated offerings and services with remarks from Moraga Mayor Mike Metcalf followed by OSH's traditional board-cutting ceremony (chainsaw powered, of course).
Miramonte Alum Joins Pacific Union Real Estate
51 Moraga Way, Suite 1, Orinda
(510) 282-4420 - www.TerriBatesWalker.com
Terri Bates Walker, an Orinda native and graduate of Miramonte High School Class of 1989, brings an extraordinary professional background to Pacific Union Real Estate. A former practicing real estate attorney with a passion for architecture and design, Walker is one of the area's top producers, representing both sellers and buyers in the Lamorinda community and beyond. "Through my association with Pacific Union, I can offer my clients unparalleled marketing and networking power, while remaining 100 percent committed to client satisfaction and achieving a successful outcome," says Walker, who is a graduate of University of California, Davis (B.A. 1994) and University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law (J.D. 1997). She lives in Orinda with her husband, Henry, an attorney and graduate of Acalanes High School Class of 1988, and their three sons, who attend Sleepy Hollow Elementary, Orinda Intermediate and Campolindo High schools.
News from the three Chambers of Commerce
Monthly Mixer at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24 at Las Trampas, 3460 Lana Lane.
Coffee with the Mayor, Mark Mitchell, at 8 a.m. Friday, Feb. 26 in the Chamber Conference Room.
Citizen of the Year Dinner Honoring Tom Steuber from 6 to 9 p.m. March 18 at the Lafayette Park Hotel and Spa. The Lafayette Chamber is proud to present this year's special award, with co-sponsor Lamorinda Weekly, to Tom Steuber, who has presided as Scoutmaster for Lafayette's Boy Scout Troop 204 for 12 years, and through his company, Associated Services, has reached out and supported underprivileged teachers, schools and classrooms throughout the Bay Area. He is a remarkable humanitarian and a special Lafayette neighbor. For reservations, visit lafayettechamber.org or call (925) 284-7404. Please make your reservations no later than Wednesday, March 16.
March Entrepreneur's Lunch. Attorney Asha B. Wilkerson will discuss "Key Laws to Know as you Launch and Grow your Business" from noon to 1 p.m. on Monday, March 14 at Home/made kitchen café & bakery located at 337 Rheem Blvd. in Moraga. Members and non-members welcome. Meet and mingle with other local business owners. $10 includes lunch. Reservations are required at Kathe@moragachamber.org.
Save the date for "A Night of Comedy," featuring headliner Brad Williams from Showtime's highest rated comedy special, "Fun Size," and Ben Feldmen at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 4 at the Orinda Theatre. For ticket and event information, visit www.orindachamber.org, or call (925) 254-3909. (See story)
Terri Walker Photo provided |