2nd Annual Bill Brown Invitational Hosted by Lamorinda Water Polo
Submitted by Harry Crouch
Lamorinda and Tiburon Waterpolo Club U10 Boys
The 2nd Annual Bill Brown Invitational is dedicated to the development of a premier tournament to provide B & C U10,12,14 team players competitive tournament opportunities in the northern California area. The tournament honors Bill Brown, a USAWP Hall of Fame member and a longtime northern California water polo icon while benefitting the East Bay Sea Serpeants. The East Bay Sea Serpents is a group which is focused on providing fitness, social interaction, and swimming instruction to special needs athletes in the San Francisco East Bay.
Lamorinda and Brentwood Seawolves U12 Girls
Lamorinda and Brentwood Seawolves U14 Boys Photos provided
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