Deceptive Headline and Photo Intentionally Misled Readers
I am in disbelief that the editor of the Lamorinda Weekly allowed the headline to read as follows: "Womenpriests Ordain First Orinda Woman Catholic Priest." (June 29.) This headline is completely fictitious. The casual reader would read the headline and assume that the Catholic Church is allowing women priests. Nothing could be further from the truth. Only a careful reading of the article revealed that this purported ordination had nothing to do with the Roman Catholic Church.
Why the fallacious and obfuscating headline?
To make matters worse, the photograph of Ms. Truelson, dressed in a priest outfit, holding hosts purporting to be the Body of Jesus Christ, was extremely offensive, insulting and distasteful. The photograph was a mockery directed toward those Roman Catholics who revere and venerate the Real Presence of our Savior.
Ann L. Vaccaro
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