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Published September 21st, 2016
Moraga Police Blotter

Larceny 8/24/16 - Special orders might upset us: A Burger King employee learned the hard way to pay close attention when taking orders; otherwise the customer will steal your iPhone right off the counter in front of you.

Vandalism 8/25/16 - Moraga's version of crop circles may be three odd symbols carved into tree bark. A resident reported to police she noticed the symbols on a tree on her property, likely inscribed in the middle of August. There are currently no suspects - either cult figures or little green men.

Court Violation 8/25/16 - Police were called to a Moraga address to intervene after they received a report of a grown man harassing his parents. Since a restraining order had previously been filed, the uncooperative subject was sent not to his room but to Martinez county jail to cool his heels.

Court Violation 8/26/16 - Again with the unwanted guest: Another son violating a restraining order had his bluff called and endured a police escort to and booking at Martinez county jail. Have we got a cellmate for you.

Loud Party 8/28/16 - Party of the first part (sidewalk participants) numbered 20; party of the second part (inside and immediately outside the residence): 25 to 30 participants. Add an additional half dozen residents, stir. Yield: one citation for Loud or Unruly Party Warning Notice pursuant to chapter 9.08 of Moraga muni code.

Loud Party # 2 8/28/16 - Same night, different party. Obviously not as good as the first with only 20 attendees on site. Same warning notice issued; officers remained on scene while host dispersed his party-goers.

Harassing 8/29/16 - Parking with intent to annoy: A Moraga resident says a neighbor's daughter and friends are abusing their parking privileges at a condo complex. The parent was concerned the resident's verbal harassment would escalate. Reporting party was advised to consult the homeowners' association.

Sick and fighting 9/1/16 - Police assisted MOFD response to an underage female sick from alcohol consumption. The victim declined hospital transport. While treatment was ongoing, an unrelated fight broke out. Since officers were already on scene a different female was transported to the hospital.

Loud Party 9/4/16 - Third time's the charm: 40 or more party-goers got their warning this go-round.

DUI/Child Endangerment 9/4/16 - Afterhours childcare hint: never leave your Uber ride if you're three times over the DUI limit, don't live where they dropped you off and have a young child in tow. The "adult" in question was arrested; the child released to a family member.

Let's keep this quiet 9/5/2016 - A man told police his wife was threatening him, but declined to follow up; he said it would only irritate his wife.
 Two handbags from a car ($400)
 Purse smash and grab from car ($200)
 School supplies from car ($340)
Alarm calls: 6

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