Saint Mary's College Will Continue to Light its Intramural Field
A bitter battle raged form 2012 to 2015 between Saint Mary's College and some of its neighbors over the noise and glare coming from a new intramural field into the Bluffs neighborhood.
After the college agreed to modify the lights and to strict reporting of any type of complaints, it was authorized by the town to leave the field opened and illuminated for students until 10 p.m.
One condition of this approval was that a review be conducted by the council one year after the permission was granted. Such hearing was led on Oct. 26. No one other than college representatives came to the meeting and the town report showed that no complaint had been logged since the permit was given. College security produced a similar empty log. The council commended the college for its improvements and unanimously agreed to confirm its decision to allow the field to be lit until 10 p.m. - S. Braccini
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