Repugnant Use of the Word 'Celebrating'
Dear Editor,
Imagine if your son, daughter, brother, sister, or spouse was one of the names inscribed on Lafayette's white crosses. What a repugnant and crass use of the verb "celebrating". (Lamorinda Weekly, Nov. 2) We honor, remember, and pay tribute to the sacrifice of those American Service Members who have given their lives in the service of our country. That is the ultimate price of freedom. The US Armed Forces never "celebrates" the death of any service member. The use of the verb "celebrating" in this context is not only disrespectful but inflicts mental anguish to the survivors. This monumental disrespect is like describing a superb athlete who has just preformed a remarkable athletic skill as heroic. Nonsense. The quintessential definition of heroic is the young men and women who have sacrificed life or limb in the service of their fellow comrades-in-arms and our country. Please give these men and women the honor and respect for their truly heroic actions.
Stephen Anderson
Congratulations to Gee and Miller
Dear Editor,
I congratulate Inga Miller and Darlene Gee on their success in the Orinda City Council election. Approximately 64 percent of Orindans cast their votes in support of these two candidates, creating a mandate for the council to complete the road repair program and develop a plan for an improved downtown. I look forward to supporting progress in both of these areas which are the highest priorities for Orinda at this time.
Bob Burt
Crosses are a Tacky Eyesore
Dear Editor
It's unfortunate that we still have the eyesore that sits on Deer Hill Road. One of the more frustrating things is that the Lamorinda Weekly perpetuates the myth that anyone involved in the crosses ever reached out to the neighbors or residents to "build support among the community" as the paper states. The Lafayette community worked to stop this visual protest but the Lafayette City Council was handcuffed by signage laws. These laws have subsequently been remedied so that this very visually loud folly cannot be repeated elsewhere in Lafayette - which in itself is telling - but sadly for the community the laws are not retroactive and this annoyance remains.
As to the "memorial" itself, the sheer scale and bluntness of the display should give its viewers a fair idea what message is being delivered. Indeed this is one-way "discourse" and is essentially screaming a political view at neighbors and passersby. We are reminded (ironically) of a certain politician on the national stage who doesn't give a fig for any other view but their own, and is as loud, rude and garish as Heaton's annoying selfish display.
I am a proud supporter of veterans and believe that as a country we should acknowledge them and thank them for their service. I also believe that war can be a horrible thing to be avoided and I appreciate those who voice their concerns and work for peace. I am equally a supporter of people's rights to express their views. Heaton and company are doing something that is lawful even if it is tacky or annoying. It does not raise itself quite to the level of the Westboro Baptist Church, but their fervent expression of their views is similarly grating and distasteful.
I wish that Heaton, et al, would step back and consider how negatively this display might be seen by those living nearby who are perhaps more polite in expressing their views. It is in polite and civil discussion that we find common ground and mutual respect.
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