OUSD re-enrollment is now online only, TK enrollment extended
By Sora O'Doherty
Re-enrollment for all returning Orinda Union School District families will now only be available online through SchoolMint. Switching to the all-digital system will, according to OUSD Superintendent Carolyn Seaton, reduce the amount of duplicative work families with more than one student in the system have had to do in the past. Re-enrollment will be open through July 31. Families should have already accessed SchoolMint to submit their intent to return last month. The same account will be used to complete the re-enrollment process. Families should have received an email with a link to re-enroll children before July 1. SchoolMint will be available Monday-Friday for technical questions at (855) 957-3535. School site secretaries will begin verifying submitted re-enrollment information starting on July 28. Families will receive an email notification once the process has been completed.
OUSD has decided to extend enrollment in Transitional Kindergarten to children with birthdays between Dec. 3 and 31. State guidelines provide TK for students who turn 5 from Sept. 2 through Dec. 2 and allocate funding for those students beginning with the first day of school. During the June 3 OUSD Board Meeting, the board adopted a policy revision to provide that when openings exist for TK district-wide, Orinda residents who have children turning 5 between Dec. 3 and 31 will be able to apply.
Students whose TK applications are accepted will attend the school with available space in TK, which may not be the student's home school. Students enrolled under these conditions will begin TK on the first day of school. The District will make every effort to notify families of their child's TK application status as early as possible but no later than July 31.
The website to apply for any available openings in TK in the 2019-20
school year under this new policy is
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