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Published October 30th, 2019
Moraga Town council members have emergency alternates in place

It is something one hopes will never happen, but in case of town emergencies, such as the recent Oct. 10 Merrill Fire, Moraga already has emergency council member alternates in place. Case in point, Vice Mayor Kymberleigh Korpus' home was in the path of that fire, but thankfully her home, along with the others in the area, was saved.
The ability to have a pre-designated alternate available to step into emergency-caused vacancies and provide continuity of government is vital to the function of a community.
According to a staff report by Town Manager Cynthia Battenberg and Town Clerk Marty McInturf, "The California Emergency Services Act provides for the preservation of local government in the event of a state of war emergency, state emergency or a local emergency by allowing the town council to appoint a succession of standby officers in order to preserve law and order and, so far as possible, continue or restore government services."
Each town council member and the town manager is allowed to designate three alternates each to assume their vacant position. Those designated alternates are listed in a descending order of succession by numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Moraga Mayor Roger Wykle's standby officers are: 1) Julie Wykle, 2) Suzanne Jones, 3) Kathy Macchi.
Vice Mayor Kymberleigh Korpus' standby officers are: 1) Roberta Thomas, 2) Stephen Huxley, 3) Todd Korpus.
Council Member Renata Sos' standby officers are: 1) Keller Strother, 2) Sonja Schoenwald, 3) Judy Miles.
Council Member Steve Woehleke's standby officers are: 1) Karl Davis, 2) Karen Mendonca, 3) David Stromberg.
Council Member Mike McCluer's standby officers are: 1) Teresa Onoda, 2) Sam Sperry, 3) Bill Vaughn.
Town Manager Cynthia Battenberg's standby officers are: 1) Chief of Police, 2) Director of Parks and Recreation, 3) Director of Public Works.
Should the need arise, the town clerk is directed to administer the oath of office to the standby officers, who would serve for the term of the elected official at the pleasure of the town council.

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