The issue of Orinda storm drains
Re: "Orinda Takes Deep Dive Into Storm Drains." Actually, it was a shallow dive. According to its Public Works Director, Orinda has "hundreds/possibly thousands" of private storm drains (i.e., storm drains under or across private property) that connect to its public storm drains, yet the city refuses to repair, maintain, or even inspect those private drains. It doesn't even have a complete inventory of them. If Orinda has a legal right to use the private storm drains, then it has a concomitant legal and common-sense obligation to inspect, repair and maintain them. If Orinda lacks any such legal right, do the owners have the right to prevent Orinda from using them? Orinda has no plan to deal with either possibility. It needs a plan.
Also, the Orinda Council knew and was told a year ago (by the undersigned) that the approximate cost of repairing the public storm drains would be $30 million, and that funding would need to be secured. Yet it has apparently done nothing in the last year to develop a plan to raise the money, other than a flawed survey that grouped essential storm drain (and road) improvements with optional improvements to the creek.
At the risk of mixing metaphors, the Orinda Council has its head in the sand on this issue. It needs to do better.
Nick Waranoff
A thank you regarding Measure M
On behalf of more than 150 volunteers, Moraga School District Superintendent Bruce Burns, and our entire campaign committee, we would like to thank the community of Moraga for supporting our public schools and passing Measure M.
From the Yes on M Campaign Committee
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