Page A 1 Residents gather for peaceful protests amid pandemicNearly 80 trees slated for removal on St. Mary's Road: council powerless to intervene
Page A 4 - A 5 Moraga looks ahead to 2020-21 Capital Improvement ProgramVoluntary temporary furlough program for town staffTown clarifies property owner's 'Right-of-Way' landscaping responsibility
Page A 6 - A 7 Mayor incensed by state's attempt to eliminate single family home zoningONE Orinda: a new fundraising scheme for Orinda schoolsWith Parks and Rec revenue gone, Orinda furloughs some staffOrinda school board tries to budget in time of uncertaintyA creek runs through it: Orinda seeks kids' input on the future of downtown
Page A 8 and A9 County approves 15% wage increase for ConFire employeesHand crews bolster ConFire prevention effortsProtective gear helps safeguard first respondersLafayette Police BlotterMoraga Police BlotterOrinda Police Blotter
Page A10 - A11 Letters to the editor
Page A12 - B1 Some struggles, many silver linings for families at home
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