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Published March 31st, 2021
Orinda Wayfinding project wins award
Assistant Engineer Kevin McCourt stands beside one of Orinda's award-winning Wayfinding Signs. Photo Provided

The American Public Works Association (APWA) Northern California Chapter honored Orinda at the 2021 Project Awards Event in February by recognizing the Orinda Wayfinding Signage Project as Project of the Year under the Transportation category. The project helps pedestrians and bicyclists find the regional transportation network (BART) and navigate both downtown districts: the Village district and the Theatre district. In addition to providing wayfinding information, the Orinda Historical Society and the Orinda Landmarks Committee provided a description and photo that each of the 13 totem signs display about Orinda's history and landmarks. These include Orinda's historic Theatre District, previously known as "The Crossroads," the Orinda Library, the first firehouse, and the de Laveaga train station.
The city council at its March 16 meeting recognized volunteers who reviewed the design plans and provided valuable feedback and thanked their partners. including Orinda residents, the Orinda Arts Council, Orinda Garden Club, Orinda Historical Society, Orinda Historical Landmarks Committee, Orinda Library, Friends of Orinda Library, Public Works Aesthetic Review Committee, Contra Costa Transportation Authority (for funding), Square Peg Design (designer), Park Engineering (construction management), and Turner Signs & Graphics (contractor) that made this project successful.
The City also recognized Kevin McCourt of the Public Works and Engineering Services Department for his efforts in completing this project successfully.
Director of Public Works and Assistant City Manager Larry Theis said that the project was mostly grant funded and that it coordinated with BART wayfinding system. Theis said that Kevin McCourt took it from design into construction, and praised him for having a keen eye on aesthetics, and being good with graphics.
McCourt thanked three consultant groups. "I'm very happy with how this turned out, and I hope everyone else is happy too," he said.
Mayor Amy Worth said that she rides her electric bike around downtown Orinda and applauded the project as an amenity for people who are walking or biking downtown.

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