From left: Jack Bender, Max Duff, Drew Isola, Jonathan Fuentes Executive Director of POL, Peter Caprio, Ben Burleigh, Tucker Gannon, Owen Wardy, Drew Davidson Photo provided
Several of Boys Team Charity (BTC) Class of 2021 TeamMates ended their six-year commitment on April 18 with an in-person final volunteer shift at Points of Light in Oakland. Over the years, they volunteered for many of the 40 philanthropies BTC works with - POL being a favorite for many.
Every Friday night and Saturday morning, Oakland youth and children escape for a couple of hours a week to a safe environment surrounded by supportive leaders and volunteers at Sequoyah Church and its playground. BTC TeamMates have helped serve breakfast, play games with the kids every Saturday, and helped with Easter and Christmas events.
For their senior project, the class purchased and built a new picnic table, ordered a custom sandbox cover, weeded the yard, and replaced the sandbox sand. Diamond K donated the sand and delivered it for free.
On May 16, during the end-of-year General Meeting (Zoom event), BTC TeamMates and coaches will watch a video highlighting the senior boys' time together volunteering for many local philanthropic institutions.
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