Prolific letter-writer Steve Cohn continues to tilt at the windmill of the fireflow tax rate. (Lamorinda Weekly Aug. 4, 2021.) He continues to argue that Moraga residents are not paying their fair share, even though their rate is the same as Orinda's. What he lacks in analysis, he obscures with a dizzying and dazzling presentation of numbers. But the basic flaw in his analysis continues to be this incorrect assumption: "it is not unreasonable to assume that the cost to provide service to Moraga is 47% of the . property tax revenue.." The 47% figure is based on the percentage of firefighters stationed in Moraga and the percentage of the total population served in Moraga and Canyon.
But if firefighters stationed in one city only served that city, there would be no reason for a multiple-city district. If a fire station located in Moraga is closer to a fire in Orinda than a fire station located in Orinda, the Moraga station will respond. The whole point of a unified District was to ignore the line separating Orinda from Moraga. Moreover, one could posit many reasons why Orinda should pay more: higher assessed and market valuation; higher risk due to being closer to likely source of wildfire (the northeast); Orinda having a 12% greater population; among other reasons.
Nick Waranoff
Photo book for Kenny
Like many of you, I am heartbroken that Moraga Garden Center is closing. In celebrating Kenny's 40+ years of work, I am working to create a photo book for Kenny, with your help. I would like to photograph plants that were purchased from the Moraga Garden Center and which are now thriving in your garden. If there is a story to go along with the plant(s), I will also try to feature it in the book.
The first copy will be for Kenny. If it makes financial sense, I will make a limited run book and proceeds from the sale will be given to Kenny and his wife.
If you would like to share your story and would like me to photograph your plant for the book, please contact me via email at My background is in fine arts and I am a photography professor at Santa Clara University.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
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