Kiwanis Club of Moraga Valley presents check to Troop 212
Submitted by Barry Behr
Dan Gannett and Barry Behr Photo provided
At the Kiwanis Club of Moraga Valley July 21 meeting Barry Behr, left, presented to Dan Gannett, Scout leader from Troop 212 of Moraga, a check for the troop's share of the proceeds from the Fourth of July raffle. Troop 212 partnered with the Kiwanis Club of Moraga Valley to sell the tickets. Both Kiwanis and Troop 212 want to thank the community for their support of the raffle. Troop 212 will be using their share of the proceeds to help underwrite their High Sierra program, which allows Scouts to go on adventures far beyond the Bay Area.
For further information about the Kiwanis Club of Moraga Valley you can visit their website at
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