Chevron mini mart
We do not need a 24-hour mini mart at a gas station that is located on a critical watershed area and also an easy freeway on-ramp for quick getaways for robberies. Already, the Wilder off and on ramp has been a scene of several nefarious and unwanted crime scenes tying up the freeway lanes for hours in either direction due to police activity.
Chevron, with its billions of dollars in profit should be providing electric car charging stations anyway, without any additional building or need for a `picnic area' with a convenient dumping site into the creek area.
This is not a new business that would benefit existing Orinda residents. This is not ' enhanced Creek access ' that would benefit a walkable downtown'
Nobody attending a class or event in the Orinda Community center is going to stop by the Chevron mini mart for an overheated hot dog or a syrupy soft drink in a non-sustainable plastic cup for refreshment.
This is a recipe for disaster to further pollute the creek shed with unwanted garbage and food refuse. The 'observation deck' overlooks the creek and is an easy target for windswept or otherwise unattended refuse to make its way into the environment. Approval from California Fish and Wildlife should not be approved and may not have even been notified at this point.
There are plenty of places to get better food within minutes of walking.
I am firmly opposed to this project. This is a superfluous and unnecessary project created by the same gas company that has been price gouging you as a consumer for the last year at least in a more obvious way. Do you really want to give Chevron more money to sell overpriced snacks and pollute the environment with more 'to go' waste?
I think not.
Cathleen Daffer
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