Ad Hoc Committee established for Moraga's 50th Anniversary Celebration
By Vera Kochan
It seems like only yesterday, for those who can remember, that Moraga took the big step of incorporation. It became official on Nov. 12, 1974, and the Town's 50th Anniversary is just one year and three months away.
According to a July 12 staff report by Town Manager Scott Mitnick and Interim Town Clerk Yashin Abbas, "In response, during the June 28, 2023 Town Council meeting review of the Proposed Biennial FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25 Budget, Town Council approved a $25,000 initial budget appropriation to serve as `seed money' to start the year-long celebration process. In addition, Town Council directed staff to report back with the necessary action to establish an Ad Hoc 50th Anniversary Committee consisting of the Mayor and Vice Mayor."
The committee held its first meeting on Aug. 10, in order to get the ball rolling for the big celebration next year. Members include: Mayor Renata Sos, Vice Mayor Teresa Onoda, Communication Honor Roll/Past President of Moraga Education Foundation Ana Moon, Moraga Historical Society President Susan Sperry, Art in Public Spaces Committee Member Holly Hartz, Town Manager Scott Mitnick, Parks and Recreation Director Mackenzie Brady, and Moraga Historical Society Publicity and Program Chair Vera Kochan.
The 50th Anniversary Celebration plans to include participation from the town's organizations, schools, businesses, and residents in an effort to make certain that all Moragans can take pride in the opportunity to be a part of the big party.
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