MOFD announces annual reorganization of board and committees
The Moraga-Orinda Fire District recently announced the annual reorganization of members of its board of directors, as well as members of its standing committees and district liaisons, effective Jan. 1, as follows:
Board of Directors
President: Mike Roemer (District 4)
Vice President: Greg Hasler (District 1)
Secretary: Craig Jorgens (District 5)
Treasurer: Steven Danziger (District 3)
Director: John Jex (District 2)
Standing Committees
Audit Committee: Director Hasler and Director Jex
Ad Hoc Committees
Joint Fire Prevention with the City of Orinda: Director Jorgens and Director Roemer
District Liaisons
Local Agency Formation Committee (LAFCO): Director Danziger
Orinda City Council: Director Jorgens
Moraga Town Council: Director Hasler
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