Library Sunday hours
The fact that Lamorinda public libraries aren't allowed to open on Sundays because Contra Costa County thinks it isn't "fair" that other cities in the county can't afford to open theirs shows just how demented and ridiculous the so-called "equity" movement has become. This twisted mentality that taking something away from those who happen to live in wealthier neighborhoods in any way benefits those who live in less-affluent areas is utterly absurd. In fact, if Lamorinda libraries were allowed to open on Sundays, those living in other cities who wished to go to the library on a Sunday could easily come and enjoy our libraries. But instead, literally no one can go to the library on Sunday-what kind of insanity is this?
Last fall, the county library received a $10 million grant from the state for a new state-of-the-art library in Bay Point, but can't find the dollars to staff other libraries on Sundays so Lamorinda libraries can spend their own money to be open on Sundays? This absurd notion that denying something of value to some (who can/are willing to pay for it themselves) in anyway helps those who can't/aren't is the most egregious, petty, zero-sum type of divisive thinking one can imagine.
If Lamorinda libraries have the funding/ability to serve residents on Sundays, the county has absolutely no business being able to tell them they can't. One would think petty tyrants squashing freedom in the name of "fairness" would only happen in totalitarian countries, not the (supposedly free) United States.
Steve McLin
Torch Sensors article
I just read about a genius outdoor smoke detector by Vasya Tremsin that can combat against Wildfires [published Aug. 30, 2023]. I am attending Campolindo High School right now and I am inspired by this project. With my dad being a firefighter, I am in support for anything that can help and protect our community. Moraga with its dry hills could fall victim to a wildfire and anything that reduces those chances are welcome and encouraged. Torch Sensors covering 10 acres, shooting alerts through an app, and being tough against weather can be a major asset to protecting our towns.
Declan Anderson
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