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Published October 9th, 2024
Letters to the editor

Mario DiPrisco for Lafayette's City Council

We first met Mario DiPrisco and his wife Jen at Lafayette Nursery School in 2009. We got a front-row seat as to what type of father, husband, and teammate he was, as LNS is a cooperative preschool that requires parents to do chores, participate, and essentially help sustain the school. Mario was and remains high-energy and smart. We're confident he'll strengthen the partnership between our city and schools.
Since then, we've seen Mario's commitment to understanding the key issues affecting our community, such as wildfire safety, residents losing their insurance coverage, and responsible development planning. His proposals are bold. Mario's thoughtful approach to finances is exactly what we need on the City Council, and we're confident he will manage the city's resources with the same care and diligence.
Mario is open and approachable. We saw him at a recent House Party event, and if you're undecided, attending one is a perfect chance to meet him in person.
This election is a great opportunity to bring fresh energy and ideas to our City Council. We encourage you to vote for Mario.
Brian & Tifanie Mikalis

Re-Elect Mayor Gina Dawson and incumbents for Lafayette City Council

Experience matters, especially on the City Council. Decisions on complex housing regulations and the fiscal budgets, for example, require a knowledge and history that best comes from years of council and commission service. Luckily with this election we have four standout candidates: Gina Dawson, Carl Anduri, John McCormick, and Jim Cervantes.
My wife and current Mayor, Gina Dawson, brings 16 years of community service and four years serving on City Council. Her tenacity to stand up for her community stems from empathy towards those she meets and an unwavering desire to listen to all viewpoints. It was my privilege to work with her after we formed the non-profit Save Lafayette Trees. She boldly confronted PG&E executives at a shareholder meeting to ask for investments in safety, and she presented new solutions to federal pipeline regulators, all with her trademark smile. Together we've saved hundreds of protected oak trees while improving gas pipeline safety in our neighborhoods. I couldn't be prouder of her work then and now.
Gina is joined in this election by two incumbent candidates, former Mayor Carl Anduri and Councilmember John McCormick. Both have shown that they are whip-smart, thoughtful, and unwavering in their commitment to Lafayette. They're also two of the nicest guys you'll meet. For the two-year position I'm supporting Jim Cervantes, a well-respected former chair of CPAC who knows Lafayette well and can work effectively with a wide group of people. His 34 year work history in public finance will be an asset for future Council deliberations.
Gina Dawson, Carl Anduri, John McCormick, and Jim Cervantes have shown they share our community values and are proven leaders in Lafayette. They clearly represent the best and strongest choice for leading Lafayette forward -- please vote for them this election.
Michael Dawson
Co-Founder, Save Lafayette Trees

AUHSD Board candidate Stacey Schweppe

Strong and thriving schools are essential in shaping our children's lives. We need Board members that will advocate on behalf of students, parents, and teachers to build on the exceptional educational standards that characterize AUHSD and to lead the district as it faces budget and other challenges. That's why I am supporting Stacey Schweppe for the AUHSD School Board. As a parent and school volunteer, I worked closely with Stacey for many years. I attest to her extensive experience, dedication, and steadfastness throughout her leadership in multiple positions at the school, district, and committee level. Please join me in voting for Stacey Schweppe for AUHSD Board.
Thank you,
Elissa Lawson
Walnut Creek

City Council and Measure H

My wife and I moved to Lafayette in 1989 because of excellent public schools, beautiful open space and nature, and fiscally responsible city government openly engaging volunteers to serve on boards and commissions that help shape policy for the City. Everytime I travel away from Lafayette, I always feel glad we live here when I get home.
I am endorsing Carl Auduri, John McCormick and Gena Dawson for re-election to the City Council and Jim Cervantes for the open two-year term. I also urge Lafayette residents to vote for Measure H so the City can maintain current levels of basic road and street maintenance, police and public safety, programs for our senior residents, and other existing programs that contribute to the high quality of life we enjoy in Lafayette. Inflation has hit our City general fund as much as the rest of us. The cuts that would be necessary if Measure H fails will detract from the quality of life we now enjoy. Assuming Measure H passes, our city sales tax will still be among the lowest in Contra Costa County. A large portion will be paid by non-residents who spend in our thriving local businesses and restaurants.
While there are always some City Council decisions some people do not agree with, I believe council members Anduri, Dawson and McCormick have consistently worked to serve the best interests of all citizens of Lafayette in a fiscally responsible manner. Having observed candidate Cervantes in action on the General Plan Advisory Board (especially his leadership regarding the complex and potentially divisive Housing Element) I believe he has the best experience, knowledge and temperament to add value to the City Council.
Lafayette has to navigate through significant challenges ahead -- inflation, housing, traffic, fire safety, growth management. We need seasoned, community focused and collaborative leadership on the Council and we need the additional General Fund revenue Measure H will provide. Please join me in voting for Anduri, Dawson, McCormick and Cervantes, and Measure H for the love of Lafayette.
Jamie Harris
Former Member, Parks and Recreation Commission and Planning Commission

In support of Climate Action Carl

I support re-electing Councilmember Carl Anduri to the Lafayette City Council this November. Having worked with Carl on the Lafayette Environmental Task Force, I'm impressed by his dedication to our community, his thoughtful consideration of differing opinions, and his persistence in promoting climate action both on the individual and on the municipal level.
Thanks to his leadership, Lafayette passed an EV charging ordinance in 2022, ensuring that new multi-family housing includes the necessary infrastructure for easy EV charging. As gas prices rise and more residents transition to electric vehicles, this proactive measure is essential for our community.
Carl also played a key role in the 2023 Leaf Blower ordinance, helping the city move away from gas-powered leaf blowers. This transition has made Lafayette quieter and has encouraged both commercial gardeners and homeowners to adopt electric alternatives.
Carl is a resourceful and diligent public servant committed to our community's future. I urge voters to re-elect him to the Lafayette City Council.
Nancy Hu, DDS
Lafayette resident, Former Chair and Current member of Lafayette Environmental Task Force

Vote for Lynda Deschambault

There is no escaping global warming with its inherent problems, and the East Bay Regional Park District is no exception. Drought, toxic water bodies, dead trees, and the ever-constant threat of wildfires are just some of the issues that the park directors will be grappling with now and into the future. Expertise will be greatly needed, and Lynda Deschambault will be a `dream come true' for the park district, as she has 37 years of experience as an environmental scientist, 19 of which were working at the Environmental Protection Agency.
Lynda Deschambault is running for Ward 2 in the EBRPD, and she has already been serving on the Parks Advisory Committee, having been appointed to it by retiring director Dee Rosario.
I've known Lynda for over 20 years and personally witnessed her involvement in her community and in the education of our youth for the next generation. She always works tirelessly for the environment and inspires those around her to do likewise. We desperately need more people like Lynda to be in these positions, where both scientific knowledge and expertise, as well as a passionate concern for the environment, are interwoven. There is no one else who can match the qualifications needed for this job other than Lynda Deschambault. A vote for her will mean a vote for protecting our wonderful 75 parks, with its 120,000 acres of land.
Kay James

Paul Chopra - The Best Choice for AUHSD Governing Board

Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my strong support for Paul Chopra in the upcoming election for the Acalanes Union High School District (AUHSD) Governing Board. In a community that prioritizes quality education, Paul stands out as a candidate who combines extensive financial expertise with a sincere dedication to the academic success and well-being of our students.
With 25 years of experience as a CPA and a strong track record as Treasurer and Board Member for Lafayette Partners in Education, Paul has made impactful contributions to our schools. His recent work on the District Budget Advisory Committee for the Lafayette School District, helped to identify over $2 million in savings and revenue opportunities. This kind of prudent financial oversight and strategic resource allocation is vital for enhancing our educational programs.
With Paul's financial skills, we can be assured that our schools will benefit from effective budgeting and strategic investments in innovative curriculum, technology, and teacher development.
I wholeheartedly encourage everyone to support Paul Chopra for the AUHSD School Board. Together, we can improve our educational system and create a brighter future for all students.
Tom Mulvaney

Re election of Gina Dawson

We are residents of Lafayette since 1969, and feel inspired to endorse Gina Daswon for re election to our City Council.
She has served Lafayette and all of us for several year on every issue that is important to us: as co founder of Save Lafayette Trees, passing the gun storage ordinance , chair of RecycleSmart board, helping to adopt the new Hosing Element , and has turned out in support of environmental i, and safety issues long before she started serving on the Council 4 years ago.
My husband and I have lived here a long time, and seen many positive changes for our city. Gina Dawson has been a large part of these improvements. And her energy and tireless work for our City is to be commended with a vote for her to remain on our City Council.
Thank you.
Lynn MacMichael and Howard Weamer
Re-elect Gina Dawson, Carl Anduri, and John McCormick

I write to express my support for Lafayette City Council Candidates Gina Dawson, Carl Anduri, and John McCormick.
According to the City of Lafayette website, the town's DEIB committee "envisions a society where all systems (e.g. education, health care, housing, criminal justice, the economy) are just, fair and inclusive, enabling all people to participate and reach their full potential."
For our town to continue to strive towards this vision, we must elect city council members who will support, rather than deter, these goals. In reviewing school board and city council meetings, there is evidence that not all candidates share this vision.
One of the things I love about my kids' school is its commitment to creating a culture of belonging. The LAFSD Lafayette Celebrates program highlights different cultures and celebrations throughout the year to help our children develop empathy, understanding, and cultural literacy.
I want to to live in a town that continues to work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive space. I am voting to re-elect candidates Gina Dawson, Carl Anduri, and John McCormick because I am confident that they will continue to work toward creating an environment where all residents feel valued.
Sarah Vickers-Webb

Re-Elect Gina Dawson to Lafayette City Council

I urge Lafayette residents to re-elect the current mayor of Lafayette, Gina Dawson, to the City Council. I met Mayor Dawson several years ago when she spearheaded the campaign to save heritage oak trees from PG&E chainsaws along gas pipelines buried under Lafayette trails and streets. She and her team alerted residents about PG&E's gas line safety violations and pressured the company to fix its poorly maintained equipment. To this day, hundreds of heritage oaks remain standing in our city due to her persistent work and that of her team.
While mayor of Lafayette, the state approved the City's General Plan Housing Element, a challenging accomplishment for our city. Additionally, the General Plan Safety Element was approved, which includes utility safety, a key concern of Mayor Dawson.
She has taken action to protect the environment, to advance inclusivity, and to make Lafayette a safer place to live. Please check the ballot box next to Gina Dawson's name and re-elect her to Lafayette's City Council.
MaryJo Cass

Gina Dawson for Lafayette City Council

I urge voters to vote for Gina Dawson for Lafayette City Council. Gina's experience, thoughtfulness, intelligence, integrity, fiscal responsibility and deep concern for our community and environment have helped shape her into an excellent city council member and now mayor.
Our community will continue to benefit from Gina's experience and understanding of our City, from the budget, housing element to wildfire risks, traffic and safety issues and downtown business needs. She has my vote.
Janet Thomas

Support of Lauren McCabe Herpich

We enter a fascinating election cycle that similar to most recent ones, shows the very best and worst in us. A beautiful system created by forward thinking geniuses, that today faces new challenges with technology allowing for the instantaneous distribution of rumors, social media attacks, lies, and the truths that are all to be weighed in who we vote for.
As the husband of Lauren McCabe Herpich, I write this to support her, and ask you do the same, in her candidacy for City Council of the beautiful city of Lafayette.
I understand right off the bat that my writing this could be perceived as a bias lens. It of course is. However, I get to see the side of Lauren that no one else does, and I will tell you that NO ONE will work harder for the citizens of Lafayette than she will.
Being the only candidate that lives near downtown Lafayette, where the impact of decisions to be made will be most felt, I guarantee you that Lauren is coming from a place of wanting the best for Lafayette today and it's future!
Chris Herpich

Cervantes, Dawson, McCormick and Anduri for Lafayette City Council

There are four strong candidates for the four Lafayette City Council positions on the ballot.
For the two-year partial term, Jim Cervantes has the background and experience that will make him an extremely valuable member. During his 34-year career in public finance, Jim worked on nearly 500 municipal financings, developing a thorough understanding of municipal budgets. After retiring in 2020, he served on the County's Measure X Community Advisory Board, as well as the Board of Directors of the California Housing Finance Agency. In Lafayette he volunteered for the General Plan Advisory Committee, gaining a thorough understanding of the planning elements of the city.
For the three four-year terms, the three incumbents - Gina Dawson, John McCormick and Carl Anduri - stand out. While each of them is an independent voice on the Council, there is one trait they share. Each has done the hard work of providing significant service to our community for years, both on and off the Council. And they have done that work extremely well.
I recommend Jim Cervantes, Gina Dawson, John McCormick and Carl Anduri.
Mike Anderson
Former Lafayette Mayor, and 2023 Lafayette Citizen of the Year

Yes on Prop 5 - Keep our Kids in California

As a parent, I want my children to be able to live in the Bay Area. Unfortunately, housing costs have skyrocketed, and most of the kids who grew up here are priced out. Also, many people who work in Lamorinda cannot afford to live here, meaning long commutes and the accompanying pollution.
I'm supporting Proposition 5 because it empowers Lamorinda and the Bay Area to build the types of housing that young adults, workers, and seniors need.
Prop 5 has strict accountability measures, including independent audits and oversight committees.
Vote for Prop 5 to give our children the opportunity to thrive right here in California.
Ashley Coates

Re-elect Carl Anduri to Lafayette City Council

I'm supporting Carl Anduri for re-election to the Lafayette City Council because one of the issues I feel strongly about is gun safety -- and so does he. When our group (Moms Demand Action) urged the Council to enact a safe firearms storage ordinance, Carl responded and worked with us from start to finish. Lafayette's safe firearms storage ordinance was unanimously adopted by the Council in late 2022 and went into effect in January 2023. Carl's re-election campaign has been awarded the 2024 Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate distinction.
I have also been a member of the City of Lafayette Public Arts Committee. Carl has been our Council liaison: he shares a thoughtful, inclusive voice to bringing public art to our community.
Please join me in voting for Carl to keep Lafayette a safe and beautiful community.
Carol Reif

Lafayette City Council Endorsements

Dear Editor,
The citizens of Lafayette are fortunate to have three experienced incumbents who have expressed their willingness to run for another term on the City Council. Carl Anduri, Gina Dawson and John McCormick are well qualified to lead Lafayette for the next four years. I have had the pleasure of working with all three and appreciate the passion and dedication they provide to our City.
I spend much of my time looking back at the history of Lafayette and how the settlement and later the city were established. Over the years Lafayette has had men and women who have given their time and talent to make this community a great place to live. Lafayette has just celebrated 175 years since its founding and over those years it has been the people who provided the leadership which led us to where we are today. Carl, Gina and John are the most recent examples of positive leadership and fiscal responsibility and I urge support of their reelection.
Let us celebrate the past while we look forward to the future.
Please vote for experience on Nov. 5.
Mary McCosker

Elect Stacey Scheppe to AUHSD Governing Board

I was thrilled to learn that Stacey Schweppe is a candidate for Acalanes Union High School District governing board. Please join me in voting for Stacey.
I worked alongside Stacey for 8+ years as a PTA volunteer. I know her to be thoughtful, practical, and deeply engaged in the work of meeting the needs of our community's kids.
Stacey is the most well-qualified candidate. She has been working on behalf of the students at every level (K-12) of our local public schools for over 20 years. She has demonstrated her commitment to our students through active involvement as a parent leader and participation in multiple district sponsored committees, including the AUHSD parcel tax oversight committee.
As the parent of two AUHSD graduates (Campolindo and Las Lomas), Stacey has a valuable perspective on what the district already does well for its students and what it can do better.
I trust Stacey to be fiscally responsible and promote positive change for all students. I urge you to join me in voting for Stacey Schweppe for AUHSD governing board.
Aimee Moss

Carl Anduri for City Council

I am proud to offer my enthusiastic support for Carl Anduri's re-election to the Lafayette City Council. With over 14 years of service, including three terms as Mayor, Carl's wealth of experience and steady leadership are exactly what our city needs as we continue to face increasingly complex challenges like wildfire risk, rising costs, and important updates to our General Plan.
Trust is an essential quality in any elected official, and Carl has earned ours time and time again. His leadership is marked by professionalism, thorough preparation, and an unwavering commitment to collaboration-whether he's advocating for senior services, improving our city's infrastructure, or partnering with local schools. His dedication to the people of Lafayette is evident in everything he does.
Carl's open-minded approach, and his deep understanding of Lafayette's values, make him an indispensable asset to our city. Carl absolutely has my vote and I hope he can count on yours, too.
Katy Foreman

Carl Anduri for Lafayette City Council

Please join us in supporting incumbent Carl Anduri for Lafayette's City Council on Nov. 5. Carl is an extremely dedicated and very experienced council member, having served Lafayette from 2002-2012 and from 2020 to the present. Within the context of today's enormous pressures from insurance cancellations and Sacramento's housing mandates and its challenges to our small-town ethos, to re-igniting Lafayette's post-pandemic economic stability and growth, Carl's history of long and productive service to the community is critical to its future, and to the preservation of the qualities of life here that we all hold so dear.
We have witnessed firsthand Carl's constructive engagement with Lafayette's diverse neighborhoods, his thoughtful, well-researched responses and innovative solutions to complex issues before Council. He is open-minded, has a keen, questioning manner, and an independent but compassionate demeanor that colleagues and constituents alike admire and value. He is a consensus builder with a focus on the best long-term interests of our entire community. His vision for Lafayette manages and balances growth in a way that includes more downtown parks and greater protection for our hillsides and open spaces, and keeps a practical eye toward providing the services and infrastructure Lafayette residents need. We need Carl Anduri like never before. Please help re-elect him to council so he can continue to serve us all.
Respectfully submitted,
Glenn and Tracey Farrell

Please vote for incumbents Carl Anduri, Gina Dawson and John McCormick for Lafayette City Council.

We live in the most amazing city in the bay area and these three leaders have worked hard to make our town a special place. I served Lafayette as Mayor, Vice Mayor and City Council Member; and currently as a Crime Prevention Commissioner. I know the type of stable leadership it takes to sustain the hometown experience we have all grown to love. Carl, Gina and John are who we need. In particular, their focus on public and fire safety, and police services, has enabled our community to remain peaceful and secure. They take a rational and measured approach on growth & development, listening to all sides. They support local business and a vibrant downtown. And, importantly, they advocate for our senior community. As we look to the future, Carl, Gina and John will 100% deliver for us. Thank you.
Cam Burks
Former Mayor of Lafayette

Jim Cervantes for City Council

As Lafayette residents cast their vote for City Council, I strongly recommend Jim Cervantes for the Council's two-year term position. As a municipal bond broker, I worked with Jim for over 25 years as he was one of our leading Public Finance bankers and a partner at our firm. During that time, Jim presented hundreds of municipal bond financings to our sales team, bringing a solid understanding of a wide variety of bond issues. He was universally respected for his deep understanding of California city finance, but beyond this, he was as widely respected for his integrity. In a competitive business environment, Jim always worked to advance the well-being of the entire firm and dealt fairly with individuals at all levels of the company.
Through my work coaching football at Acalanes High School, I know something about how groups succeed. On our team at work, Jim was one of our go-to players, effective on the field but also willing to set a block to let someone else shine. He will be a great addition to Team Lafayette.
Greg Young

YES on Measure H

As a two-time mayor during 8 years on the City Council in the 1990's, I supported the best possible services for Lafayette. A part of that was working with others to build our new Library and Learning Center, the Veterans Memorial Hall, undergrounding downtown utilities, as well as passing a measure to repair our roads and drains. That was a long time ago. I am now supporting Measure H because I don't want to see our past investments in our city get run down. Voting "YES" on Measure H is the best way to keep city services in place.
By increasing the local sales tax rate half a percent, Measure H allows the city to continue fixing our streets, maintaining police services, preserving our parks and public spaces, and sustaining our wildfire preparedness efforts. In my service to the city, I have witnessed firsthand how the people of Lafayette care for one another. Supporting Measure H helps us continue the level of care that makes us "Love Lafayette". Measure H will help us keep our neighborhoods safe, protect our students going to and from school, keep our pedestrians and bikers safe on our streets, and look out for our senior citizens.
We can be assured that the funds will be well spent; for the ninth year in a row the City has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association. The award is for consistent commitment to excellence and transparency in financial reporting.
These tax funds will stay local and cannot be stolen by the state. This would not be a permanent increase; it requires a fresh look by voters after 7 years in order to be renewed. The City of Lafayette currently has sales tax lower than Concord, Moraga, Orinda, Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek.
For a fraction of a cent on a dollar spent, the sales tax is the sensible way to a successful future. Vote "YES" on Measure H.
Love Lafayette,
Anne Grodin

Measure H

The City of Lafayette receives one of the lowest percentages of property tax money within our county. Our city staff and council have proven themselves to be fiscally responsible. Now Lafayette is faced with rising costs to simply maintain basic programs and services. Please join me in voting yes on Measure H, a 1/2 cent sales tax increase, thus helping maintain the services we need in Lafayette.
Ramsay Thomas

Re-Elect Gina Dawson for Lafayette Council

Do you want to have a leader who will speak truth to power? If yes, be sure to re-elect Gina Dawson to Lafayette Council. Gina is a proven leader.
I first met our current Lafayette Mayor, Gina Dawson, when hundreds of heritage oak trees were being threatened by chain saws under the guise of a PG&E public safety campaign. In response, Gina co-founded Save Lafayette Trees. Together, with many concerned citizens, she advocated for accountability, questioning the science behind the tenuous claims - that heritage oak trees were threatening the integrity of natural gas lines in Lafayette. Under Dawson leadership, Save Lafayette Trees succeeded in protecting hundreds of heritage oaks!
Moreover, Gina has updated the Safety Element of the General Plan, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with PG&E and other utility partners to reduce risks to our community - including more resilient infrastructure. These accomplishments exemplify Gina's willingness to protect our natural environment and the safety of our community. They also demonstrate her independent thinking and collaborative capabilities.
Beyond public safety and environmental stewardship, Gina prioritizes increased housing opportunities, fiscal sustainability, and a vibrant downtown. Let's re-elect Gina so she can continue this important work.
Deborah Cox Callister

Concerned About Anti-LGBTQ Candidate for Lafayette City Council
As someone dedicated to advocating on behalf of LGBTQ individuals and families throughout Lamorinda for several years, I am deeply concerned about one of the candidates for Lafayette City Council. This candidate is on record making public statements against LGBTQ people. Her campaign has received funding from those who have made similar public statements, including several people who confronted children and families with anti-LGBTQ signage and taunts at Lafayette Elementary School for ten painful weeks last Spring. This group stood in front of the elementary school with huge "Groomers!" signs and screamed that word at children as they were being dropped off and picked up from school. The concerning Lafayette City Council candidate aligns herself with the leader of the LES harassment campaign and refuses to acknowledge the harm this group continues to cause to some of Lafayette's most vulnerable community members, and to the community as a whole.
I am glad to support Lafayette City Council candidates Gina Dawson, Carl Anduri, and John McCormick. I appreciate their steady leadership, their ability to clearly express their respect for diverse community members, and their commitment to making Lafayette and Lamorinda a safe and welcoming place for all.
Bree Sanchez

Cara Hoxie for Orinda City Council

I'm writing to highly recommend Cara Hoxie for Orinda City Council. I worked closely with Cara for three years on the executive board of the Educational Foundation of Orinda (EFO) when she was co-president and I was the V.P. of Fundraising for Miramonte High School. Cara is a capable, thoughtful and fair leader. Her experience at EFO and eight years on the Orinda Union School District board has shown her dedication to our community and fortitude in handling many complicated and difficult issues. Cara's legal background and ability to dig into issues will serve her well in seeking information and understanding the myriad of topics City Council faces.
Cara grew up in Orinda, returned with her family to raise three children and has continued to contribute and care about our citizens. Add to this that she is articulate, bright and has a lot of common sense - all of these qualities make her a person we'd be lucky to have on City Council.
Wendy Bond

John McCormick - Lafayette City Council

I am proud to endorse John McCormick, running in this year's Lafayette City Council election. As the former Executive Director of the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce I have a unique perspective on John's qualifications. John was elected as our President in 2020. John had big plans for how he would lead our organization. And in a flash, COVID -19 changed everything. Businesses closed and commerce stopped. When other chambers shut down, we stepped our commitment up. John's leadership skills took over and we were able to do our best work ever. Interacting with city and county agencies for guidance, John never let our members or our community feel like they were alone.
John held himself to the highest standards and molded his stewardship for us all during that difficult time. He possess a rare blend of NICE GUY who LISTENS to everyone, does his due diligence and builds consensus. As Covid continued on, John was the first to serve two consecutive terms as president, to get the job done. Benjamin Franklin once said that "if you want something done, ask a busy person." John McCormick is here and ready to serve Lafayette's residents. Stop by Lamorinda Music and say hello.
Jay Lifson
Former Executive Director, Lafayette Chamber of Commerce

Support for Lauren McCabe Herpich

I am writing to express my support for Lauren McCabe Herpich in the upcoming Lafayette City Council election.
Lauren has been our neighbor on Moraga Boulevard for the last decade. One of the standout qualities of Lauren is her commitment to our neighborhood. She takes the time to help enhance our sense of community by hosting neighbor events and keep us informed of what is happening with the city, especially on housing.
Lauren understands that growth should not be a one-size-fits-all approach and that it is essential to tailor our development strategies to fit the needs and desires of Lafayette residents. By fostering open dialogues and including diverse voices in the decision-making process (Lauren is the ONLY candidate who lives near Downtown), Lauren will work to ensure that any changes we make reflect the values and aspirations of Lafayette residents.
I wholeheartedly believe that Lauren will champion the kind of growth that respects our history while preparing us for the future. I urge my fellow residents to support Lauren in the upcoming election.
Barner Lang

Vote YES on Measure H

I encourage Lafayette residents to vote YES on Measure H. Over the years, our city has shown itself to be fiscally conservative and always thoughtful in its governance. We are currently faced with challenges due to inflation, rising costs of road repair and insurance and state mandated expenses. By adding 1/2 cents to our sales tax, which will bring us up to the sales tax rate of our neighboring communities, we can maintain the roads, safety and wildfire prevention services and programs that make this such a wonderful place to live.
The League of Voters supports the measure, as does our Chamber of Commerce.
Barbara Hollenbach

Former Lafayette Mayors and Councilmembers Support Measure H
In our experience as former Mayors and City Council members over the past three decades, we have always prioritized maintaining the best possible city services for our residents with careful attention to our fiduciary responsibility to our community. We want our city to remain safe and strong. Our city's obligation to its residents to provide critical services and support is best met by voting "YES" on Measure H.
By increasing the local sales tax rate only half a percent, Measure H allows the city to continue fixing our streets, mitigating traffic, maintaining police services, preserving our parks and public spaces, and sustaining our wildfire preparedness efforts. Supporting Measure H helps us continue the level of care that makes us "Love Lafayette". Measure H will help us keep our neighborhoods safe, protect our students going to and from school, keep our pedestrians and bikers safe on our streets, and support our senior citizens.
It's vital that our city responds to its current circumstances, and our current council has done that by carefully researching its options to protect integral City services and determining that this incremental revenue is needed in the face of other economic headwinds facing the city. The alternatives for the City's budget would reduce the quality of life for our residents. For a fraction of a cent on a dollar spent, the sales tax is the sensible way to a successful future. We respectfully ask for your "YES" vote on Measure H.
Mike Anderson, Former Mayor
Brandt Andersson, Former Mayor
Cam Burks, Former Mayor
Carol Federighi, Former Mayor
Teresa Gerringer, Former Mayor
Erling Horn, Former Mayor
Don Tatzin, Former Mayor
Steven Bliss, Former Council Member

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