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Published October 23rd, 2024
Moraga School District Board has three candidates vying for two open positions

On Oct. 10, The Moraga Citizens Network (MCN) held their tenth Candidates Night. This year, the event was held at Saint Mary's College, and was moderated by the school's provost, Dr. Corey Cook. The crowd size was relatively good despite the constant humorous references pointing out the event's competition for viewership with the San Francisco 49ers football game that evening.
First on the agenda was an introduction of Moraga's three, newly-appointed town council members, Brian Dolan, Lisa Maglio, and Graham Thiel, who then answered questions posed by Cook.?An article entailing that portion of the event will appear in a future Lamorinda Weekly issue.
After a brief intermission, the three candidates running to fill two available seats on the Moraga School District Board were introduced to the attendees: Stephanie Dickerson, Gian Panetta, and Lee Hays. Each candidate responded to the same six questions previously submitted to MCN by Moraga residents.
Dickerson, a 14-year Moraga resident with two children in the school system, believes that "MSD has an obligation to ensure that a quality education is provided to every student. This extends to maintaining school safety, fostering healthy learning environments, thoughtfully appropriating funds, and ensuring a strong curriculum."
Panetta grew up in Moraga and experienced first-hand the benefits of an education via the MSD's Learning Center Program. "I understand the challenges faced by students with learning disabilities in Moraga's education system. I am committed to addressing these challenges. A board that comprehends these issues is crucial to ensure that no child is left behind."
Hays is a 25-year resident whose three children grew up in Moraga and attended the local schools. "I'm committed to preserving and enhancing the high-quality education that makes Moraga a top choice for families. My goal is to work collaboratively with fellow board members, educators, parents, and the community to address challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and maintain the standard of excellence that defines Moraga's schools."
The first question of the evening was: What is your understanding of the role and responsibilities of a school board member, and what would you do to be an effective trustee?
Hays feels that it's important to retain outstanding teachers and oversee the superintendent. He spoke of upcoming financial budget shortfalls as being a challenge, but with his construction background, he feels he has the skills to guide the MSD through the recent Bond Measure D's capital improvement projects.
Panetta addressed the reading curriculum in that it's important to ensure that goals established at the beginning of the year are being met, with any necessary adjustments made along the way.
Agreeing with her opponents' responses, Dickerson added the importance of handling the schools and community in the best way possible, while being a collaborative board member. She values her abilities as a good listener when coming to the table to make constructive decisions.
The second question was: Identify one or two important issues facing the Moraga School District, and explain how you would like the district to address them?
Phones in schools are a problem, stated Panetta. He believes that cyber-bullying through social media is a big cause of mental health issues, especially for girls. Curtailing the use of phones in schools would be a step in the right direction. He also stated that it's important to continue to find funding for the schools, which is difficult when you live in an affluent area.
Dickerson's concerns are with the budgetary issues facing the MSD and where best to put the resources. The schools need upgrading, and Measure D funds must be spent wisely.
Agreeing with both Panetta and Dickerson, Hays also feels strongly about the budget and its importance in retaining the best teachers possible -- they are a big reason why the schools are successful in luring families to Moraga. He's also concerned about the schools' aging infrastructure and the need for repairs, and hopes the Measure D funds will be put to careful use.
Question number three asked: School safety is a topic of increased concern nationally. What steps do you propose to help Moraga K - 8 schools be better prepared to protect our students?
Dickerson has been on school safety committees, and in 2018, they were able to acquire school safety experts to examine Moraga's schools and file a report detailing all of the issues facing schools. Keeping schools safe is her priority.
Hays feels that collaboration with first responders when it comes to school safety is important, and hopes that parents become involved. Mental and emotional wellness should also be included in the safety category.
Having experienced a lock-down while a student at Los Perales Elementary School, Panetta would like to see schools become more involved with the Moraga Police Department and Moraga-Orinda Fire District with regards to a game plan. He would also like MSD to become better organized in case of emergencies.
Question four: Recent legislation encourages school districts to create homework policies that among other things align with the developmental needs of students, emphasize meaningful assignments over busy-work, and prioritize students' mental and physical health. What are your thoughts on how this law will impact instruction in the MSD?
Hays feels that the district's teachers are currently giving the right amount of homework, and that they are attuned to each child's needs. He believes there are other ways to educate kids without excessive homework and the district is successful thus far.
Panetta wants to make certain that this situation doesn't overload the teachers.
Dickerson feels that the schools are already doing a great job with dispensing the right amount of homework.
The fifth question: What is motivating you to become a member of the Moraga School District governing board?
Having gone through the Moraga school system, Panetta feels that he can bring a lot of experience to the table. He also wants to make sure that no kid falls behind.
Dickerson explained that it's a natural progression to what she's already been doing, and that it feels like a calling -- she wants kids to be safe in school. Another priority is the lack of funding.
A strong belief in Moraga's schools and the community are what motivate Hays. He feels that with his background in finance and construction he will be an asset when it comes to Measure D decisions.
The last question of the evening: If you find yourself in the minority position on a vote, how will you manage the situation both internally and externally?
All candidates were in agreement when it came to the importance of collaboration in order to get a job done and move forward towards the greater good.
To view the candidates night on youtube visit: https://youtu.be/SiLsJ2F0yw4

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