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Add warmth to the holidays with Southwest crab or shrimp cakes
This is the time of year when I start to think about new crab recipes. For some reason, January and crab go together in my mind and crab cakes came up in conversation at a recent holiday luncheon. Oddly enough, this conversation was prompted by the delivery of a lovely ...By Susie Iventosch

Buche de Noel a holiday hit
One of our Lamorinda Weekly reporters and I love to exchange recipes. Sora O'Doherty is always sending delicious ideas my way, and a couple of months ago she sent me photos of her holiday sugar cookies, mincemeat tarts and Buche de Noel, along with a treasure trove of ...By Susie Iventosch

Baked Apples with Raisins, Nuts and Spice
(Serves 6)
6 apples (use good baking apples such as Gala, Braeburn or Honeycrisp)
By Susie Iventosch

Delicious apple dessert just right for fall
Apples are especially wonderful this time of year with so many different varieties available in the markets. When baked with spices, they make an excellent fall dessert that is nice and light. We've made these with several different kinds of apples, and while I love ...By Susie Iventosch

Frosted Pumpkin Spice Cookies
1 cup butter
2/3 cup brown sugar
By Susie Iventosch

Pumpkin Sage Soup
(Serves 4-6)
2 sugar or pie pumpkins (to yield approximately 4 cups pumpkin meat or any kind ...
By Susie Iventosch

Share the warmth of holidays with this perfect pumpkin sage soup
By late October, pumpkin and spice flavors are enticing and almost irresistible. Maybe it's those sugar pumpkins staring at you from the produce stand, or perhaps it's the fall leaves as they turn orange, crimson and gold. Whatever it is, you know when it's happened! ...By Susie Iventosch

Buffalo wing flavor with a veggie twist
I just spent a week in New York City with my daughter, and we discovered a new twist on Buffalo wings that uses cauliflower in place of chicken wings. It's such a great idea and it is popping up on menus everywhere throughout the city - from wine bars to sports bars. ...By Susie Iventosch

Braised Short Rib, Crushed Okinawan Yam, Tokyo Turnip, Dandelion Greens
(4 servings)

Short Ribs
By Susie Iventosch

Comforting seasonal cuisine offered at The Park Bistro & Bar
There's something fresh and exciting going on at the Lafayette Park Hotel and it involves the trio of Jason Reiplinger, director of food and beverage, Executive Chef Frank Macias and Pastry Chef Francisco Cabrera. These three gentlemen have teamed up to create a new ...By Susie Iventosch

Cut a slice of pure deliciousness from this caramel-glazed apple cake
We had a wonderful family reunion in Michigan this past summer, and my cousin, Cindy, brought her famous caramel-glazed apple cake to one of the gatherings. There was a bit of a buildup to this cake, and everyone was absolutely raving about it at the party. I was ...By Susie Iventosch

Olive Salsa and Mediterranean BLTs
Olive Salsa
(Yields about 2 cups of salsa)
By Susie Iventosch

Get your olive on with this special salsa and Mediterranean BLT
It's almost time for the Eighth Annual Orinda Olive Festival, which is always a fun event complete with games, crafts, music and food. And, of course, local growers will provide plenty of olives and olive oils for tasting. There will be cooking demonstrations as well ...By Susie Iventosch

Rosh Hashanah Challah
(Makes two 8-inch round challah)
*This bread looks like it has a million directions, but if you follow each step, you will see that it all flows smoothly and quickly. There is also a link ...
By Susie Iventosch

Round Rosh Hashanah challah symbolizes circle of life
One day last summer while my sister-in-law, Shira Lubliner, was visiting we decided to make a loaf of challah. Since she'd made many of them before and I'd never made one, she was the perfect person to teach me. Challah is a leavened white bread, typically braided and ...By Susie Iventosch

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