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Published on September 30th, 2020
Simple spicy chicken thighs, perfect for grilling
This is what I love about being a cooking family . the kids start adding to the recipe collection and it's great fun to see what they come up with! This recipe is my son Joel's concoction. He loves to get creative in the kitchen and is always pondering new and clever ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on September 16th, 2020
A cool treat to beat the summer heat
It's really hard to pass by a gelato shop without at least sampling a taste! The display cases are beautifully designed in a rainbow of pastels with pieces of fruit or candy on top to depict each flavor. They are so inviting and irresistible. And, they give you a teeny ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on September 2nd, 2020
Tasty custards - a perfect twist to the cheese and cracker platter
We were served these tasty garlic custards at a friend's house, and for all the world they looked like a little round of Boursin cheese to me, as they sat on the serving plate amongst the endive leaves and crackers. I was so surprised when I dug into the custard and ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on August 19th, 2020
A tasty citrus trio of flavor for your turkey tenderloin
Turkey is anything but boring! We love turkey and it gives chicken a break for those who don't eat red meat or pork. It's accommodating and delicious and lends itself to so many different styles of marinades, sauces or condiments. Even though turkey most often signals ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on August 5th, 2020
Fun and flavorful frittata beats the heat
This summer I was slated to be Discovery Bicycle Tours' camp "chef" for a couple of weeklong cycling adventures in Vermont. I was really excited about the idea of planning and cooking a camping menu for this adventure and for my first visit ever to Vermont. Un ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on July 22nd, 2020
Double Chocolate S'mookies deliver summer s'mores flavor
My friend sent me a recipe for s'mores cookies last week and I thought it looked so delicious that I literally made them (with my own variations) the very same day. Nothing screams summer like s'mores, especially for kids, but if you don't happen to have campfire ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on July 8th, 2020
This hearty salad helps fill the summer dinner void
I don't know about you, but I can never seem to get enough of salads in the summer, especially if you have a great victory garden growing in your backyard! We love to make hearty salads with meat and cheese and lots of seasonal veggies so that they are filling enough ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on June 24th, 2020
Sumptuous potato salad for summer barbecues
Summer is my very favorite season because I love warm evenings and the unbridled anticipation of outdoor dining, patio barbecues and picnics in the park. And, when you think of barbecues and picnics, potato salad isn't far behind! This one calls for blue cheese ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on June 10th, 2020
A perfect pairing in this super summertime dessert
One day my son decided to pick up the ingredients to make dark chocolate pistachio butter cups. That sounded like a great idea to me! He loves Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups, and since we all really love pistachios, he thought it might be a fun ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on May 27th, 2020
Quick, easy . and thoroughly sloppy!
Sloppy Joes are one of my favorite quick meals. They are like a burger with all the fixings, but all mixed together from the get-go. And they are super easy to make. You saut‚ the meat (I like to use ground turkey) along with mustard, ketchup, caramelized onions and a ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on May 13th, 2020
A delightful post-Cinco de Mayo menu
A few weeks ago, one of our Lamorinda Weekly readers wrote to inquire about freezing the chicken enchiladas we featured in our Jan. 18, 2012 issue. I truly loved hearing that someone is still enjoying a recipe that we published eight years ago. But I told her that ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on April 29th, 2020
Try these tangy, spicy sprouts with balsamic-Dijon-shallot reduction
A couple of years ago, we featured a cheesy Brussels sprouts recipe in this column, and for all of you Brussels sprouts lovers out there, here is another recipe, which is tangy, salty and a bit spicy all at the same time. I don't know about you, but once I became a ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on April 1st, 2020
A hearty appetizer for the home-bound
Even though making your own cheese at home sounds a bit daunting, this ricotta recipe is super easy and really fun to do. This cheese is delicious as an appetizer, but also works great in the filling for homemade lasagna. It takes about 20 minutes or so to heat the ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on March 18th, 2020
Tasty cake evokes all the lovely freshness of spring
I was looking for a fun Easter dessert, when I scrolled across a lovely green cake on Pinterest! I know we just passed St. Patty's Day and we've done our fair share of green lately, but this is a lovely pastel spring green, which comes from the pistachio pudding used ...By Susie Iventosch

Published on March 4th, 2020
Colorful and tangy twist on traditional coleslaw
This is a fun twist on the traditional sweet and tangy coleslaw, using yogurt-blue cheese dressing instead of the more typical mayonnaise-based dressing. Not only is this slaw colorful, but delicious and pairs so well with tacos, burgers, spicy wings or barbecue. The ...By Susie Iventosch

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