Kindergarten Registration is Just Around the Corner Kindergarten Registration is Just Around the ...
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Free CERT Training Class in January Duncan Seibert believes in the motto "be ...By Cathy Dausman
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El Nino Preparedness: Let's Bag It! In some ways an El Nino winter of warm temperatures and plentiful rain spells a welcome relief to drought-weary Lamorindans. However, much depends on just where that rainfall goes, and where it should not go (see the Dec. 16 article "Water, Water Everywhere: A ...By Cathy Dausman
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Celebrating Don Tatzin's 30 Years on the City Council Local luminaries and statewide government representatives came together to honor Don Tatzin for his unprecedented three decades of volunteer service on the Lafayette City Council. Everyone in the packed Community Hall was affected in some way by Tatzin's indefatigable ...By Cathy Tyson
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Citizen Group Legal Challenge to Deer Hill Project Found Invalid The legal challenge orchestrated by Save ...By Cathy Tyson
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Home Grown Mayor for 2016 Mark Mitchell, brand new mayor for 2016, brings special meaning to the phrase "local son." His parents came to Lafayette in 1957 when he was just a few months old, "an outstanding move," said Mitchell at his swearing in on Dec. 14. He attended Springhill Elementary ...By Cathy Tyson
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Lafayette Police Blotter Incident Summary Report Dec. 6-12
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Clearance a Necessity on Lamorinda Roads Kathy Leonard returned from a field trip at the site of the Valley Fire and she was jolted by how similar that area is to Orinda, with its private roads, narrow thoroughfares and heavy tree vegetation. "Then, you add a sustained drought, with a lot of those trees near ...By Nick Marnell
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Lafayette Siblings Start Libraries in Botswana and Swaziland Acalanes High School junior Noah Prozan and his sister, Nicole Prozan, an eighth-grader at Stanley Middle School, have collected and shipped 1,100 children's books to create a library at an elementary school in Botswana, Africa. The books are en route via freighter ...Submitted by Linda Drucker
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Lafayette Rotary Work Crew Cleans Up You might have thought you saw a convict work crew cleaning under the Highway 24 freeway overpasses on Dec. 6, but no, it was the Lafayette Rotary Club hard at work making the city a bit tidier. The team of Matt Pease, Mike Henn, Terry Ring, Josiah Coy, Beverlee Hajek, ...Submitted by Matt Pease
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Lafayette Juniors Win State Awards for Charity Work The Lafayette Juniors were awarded first place from the state of California on behalf of the General Federation of Women's Clubs for their fundraising and membership programs for charity. The Lafayette Juniors are part of the GFWC, a 125-year-old international service ...Submitted by Elizabeth Siamas
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Antenna Donation Aids Emergency Communications Six antennas now sit atop Moraga's new Town Council Chambers at 335 Rheem Boulevard. The antennas and the two-way radios they are connected with link town employees or emergency communicators to police, public works and amateur radio operators across Lamorinda and ...By Cathy Dausman
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Coming Soon to a Lafayette Medical Call Beginning Jan. 1 the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District subcontracts with American Medical Response to provide emergency ambulance transport service in most of Contra Costa County. The district ambulances will be rebranded as pictured. "We started the ...
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Bomb Threat at Happy Valley School Diffused Despite the occasional car break in, many ...By Cathy Tyson
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Recommending New Rules for Pot The six medical marijuana delivery firms ...By Cathy Tyson
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