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Published on May 27th, 2020
MOFD braces for $1.5 million operating loss in 2021
Facing its toughest financial year since the ...By Nick Marnell

Published on May 27th, 2020
Lamorinda weed abatement deadlines fast approaching
Lamorinda fire agencies have ramped up their efforts to alert property owners to remove problem vegetation by the abatement deadlines before the weeds spark a community catastrophe. The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District deadline is May 31 and the Mo ...By Nick Marnell

Published on May 13th, 2020
Fire district ambulance revenue plummets since onset of pandemic
In March and April, the Moraga-Orinda Fire ...By Nick Marnell

Published on May 13th, 2020
MOFD board declines to fully staff ambulance in downtown Orinda
A split Moraga-Orinda Fire District board rejected a staffing model that would have placed a fully staffed ambulance at Fire Station 45 in Orinda, instead voting to maintain the cross-staffing model in use since 2013.
By Nick Marnell

Published on April 1st, 2020
Lamorinda fire agencies in solid shape to confront pandemic
Officials from both Lamorinda fire agencies ...By Nick Marnell

Published on March 18th, 2020
Rescue One Foundation reaches out to local high school students
The Rescue One Foundation, an adjunct nonprofit organization to the Moraga-Orinda Fire District, is sponsoring an essay contest on innovative uses of technology to increase the effectiveness of emergency evacuation notifications within the district's jurisdiction. The ...By Nick Marnell

Published on March 18th, 2020
MOFD awarded wildfire preparedness grant
Moraga-Orinda Fire District Fire Marshall ...By Nick Marnell

Published on March 18th, 2020
Orinda City Council won't be hurried to adopt proposed fire code
Although public speakers and correspondence ...By Sora O'Doherty

Published on March 4th, 2020
Fire district on target - and then some - at midyear review
Few questions, and virtually no complaints, ...By Nick Marnell

Published on March 4th, 2020
Town council reacts to proposed MOFD fire code
Fire Chief Dave Winnacker brought his road show to the Moraga Town Council Feb. 26 as he presented highlights of a proposed fire code that the chief hopes to become effective in time for the 2020 fire season.
By Nick Marnell

Published on March 4th, 2020
MOFD Chief pushes to sell new fire code to councils
Very tall, very determined, Moraga-Orinda Fire District Chief Dave Winnacker spoke for over two hours at the podium during what was described as the longest ever "items for the good of the city" at the Feb. 18 Orinda City Council meeting. Winnacker would like to see ...By Sora O'Doherty

Published on February 19th, 2020
ConFire adds 22 firefighters
The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District added 22 probationary firefighters to its ranks upon the graduation of Academy 54 recruits Feb. 13 in Walnut Creek. The probationary firefighters will fill slots due to retirements, the increased staffing of the ...By Nick Marnell

Published on February 19th, 2020
ConFire bolsters ability to successfully treat cardiac arrest victims
The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, through its Alliance partnership with American Medical Response, recently purchased 30 new LUCAS devices for its front line apparatus fleet, giving each district operational crew an added method to improve blood flow in ...By Nick Marnell

Published on February 19th, 2020
Crisp, fresh look for redesigned MOFD website
The Moraga-Orinda Fire District unveiled its upgraded public website in early February with a fresh, contemporary design that should be much easier to navigate, especially by visitors with disabilities.
By Nick Marnell

Moraga audience presses MOFD chief over his proposed fire code
Moraga-Orinda Fire District Chief Dave Winnacker spelled out the rationale for his proposed fire code, which will affect district parcels, remodels and new construction, to an audience of nearly 100 at the Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School auditorium Jan. 28. The ...By Nick Marnell

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