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Wednesday, August 27, 2014
MOFD Increases Fire Season Staffing
The fire season is off to an ominous start ...By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Home Fires Keep Burning
Two early summer structure fires put Lamorinda on high alert as it rolls into the peak of fire season during the driest year in recorded California history. A June fire destroyed a house on Tarry Lane in north Orinda, and in July firefighters put out a three-alarm ...By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Don't Fence Them In
Arbor Day is April 27, but what's that got to do with Moraga? Just ask Kevin Bernie. Bernie's family calls him Don Quixote, but instead of tilting at windmills, he spent years planting redwood trees in the town.
By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Local Fire Officials Mixed on Ads
Despite forecasts of operating losses for this fiscal year, and only slight improvements for next year, officials of both Lamorinda fire districts say they are skeptical of the viability of a new revenue generating idea unveiled by a fire agency in the Central ...By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Clear the Brush - It's the Law!
Fire protection services are urging homeowners to make one thing perfectly clear right now - defensible yard space. Drought conditions, warmer temperatures, high winds and an excess of dried vegetation have made fire seasons progressively worse over the past 50 years, ...By Cathy Dausman

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
PG&E to Double Up Vegetation Management
The Pacific Gas and Electric Company annually prunes and removes trees that pose dangers to power lines. During this year of extreme dry conditions and high fire danger the company will conduct two separate vegetation management programs in all three Lamorinda ...By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
New MOFD Battalion Chief
For the first time in its history the Moraga-Orinda Fire District conducted a public transfer of command, and if the July 1 ceremony outside station 45 in Orinda had a military feel to it, that was just fine with new battalion chief Felipe Barreto.
By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Departures Hobble Fire Districts
Two key managers of Lamorinda fire agencies ...By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, July 02, 2014
Watching for Wildfire in Lamorinda
A small crowd gathered atop Moraga's Donald Drive July 4, 2013. Most came to for the ridgeline view of local fireworks, but others came to work. They were participants in Lamorinda's first Red Flag Fire Patrol - volunteers from Moraga-Orinda Fire District's ...By Cathy Dausman

Wednesday, July 02, 2014
Trash Fire Consequences
It was only a small pile of charred trash - a couple of blackened catalogs lying along a packed earth Orinda roadway near Wilder - but in a hot, windy and dry fire season, it could easily have gotten out of hand. Lamorinda Weekly was alerted to the incident by a reader ...By Cathy Dausman

Wednesday, July 02, 2014
Supervisors Nix Sales Tax Hike
A measure to increase the Contra Costa ...By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, July 02, 2014
Transfer of Command at MOFD
He arrived on the scene in 1984 in his Angels Flight pants and flip flops, according to Gil Caravantes, captain with the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District. And on June 27, division chief Darrell Lee punched out of Moraga-Orinda Fire District station 45 for ...By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, July 02, 2014
Election Filing Period Opens Soon
Ever attended a city council meeting and ...

Wednesday, July 02, 2014
U-Turn, Then Full Speed Ahead
The Board of Supervisors reversed course ...By Nick Marnell

Wednesday, June 18, 2014
MOFD Volunteer Awards
The Moraga-Orinda Fire District recognized its volunteers at a June 12 ceremony at the Hacienda de las Flores. Honorees included the Community Emergency Response Team, the Rescue One Foundation and CS-245, the district's communications support group. Kneeling, from ...

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