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Teachers union and LAFSD reach two-year agreement
The Lafayette School District board approved ...By Nick Marnell

AAUW Orinda-Moraga-Lafayette STEM Conference at SMC
Examining a sheep's brain, noting the differences from a human brain, making slime, and getting creative with coding. These are but a few of the hands-on workshops that 200 middle school girls attended at the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) ...By Bobbie Dodson-Nielsen

OIS spring production opens April 26
Orinda Intermediate School's Bulldog Theater will present the musical, "All Shook Up Young@Part" April 26-28 at OIS.
"All Shook Up" tells the story of an unexpected small town romance ...
Submitted by Jeanette Lipp

Will Landed help Orinda educators purchase homes?
Recognizing that attracting and retaining ...By Sora O'Doherty

3 Orinda elementary schools among 7 distinguished schools in county
State Superintendent of Public Instruction ...Submitted by Carolyn Seaton

How well is your high school preparing your student for college success?
We all know that seats in the freshman classes at the University of California campuses are in more demand than ever. We have one of the best and most selective state university systems in the U.S. Parents deserve to know if their local high schools will effectively ...By Elizabeth LaScala

Rube Goldberg challengers eat the competition for breakfast
Eleven teams of science students shied away from "simple" in their quest to design the most convoluted mechanical cereal dispenser ever during the 2018 Rube Goldberg Challenge at Stanley Middle School March 28.
By Cathy Dausman

Orinda Academy announces new head of school
Author and educator Susan Eva Porter will become head of school at Orinda Academy for the term starting on July 1. Porter will replace outgoing head Ronald Graydon, who is retiring after 36 years. Founded in 1982, Orinda Academy is an independent, private high school ...

AUHSD board revises policy banning interdistrict transfers, approves new calendar
A collective sigh of relief could be heard in the classrooms, hallways and offices of the Acalanes Union High School District after the school board voted to revise their policy to ban interdistrict transfers at their March 21 meeting.
By John T. Miller

Middle school walkout in Moraga
There was a little break in the rain on Wednesday morning March 14, long enough for Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School students to assemble for 10 minutes just before their third period for a walkout against gun violence, in solidarity with the students and school ...By Sophie Braccini

CCI dogs visit Miramonte students
Miramonte High School seniors Sophie Bubrick and Emilie Carrington recently introduced three beautiful girls - and their human partners - to Anthony Ohlson's special needs class.
By Cathy Dausman

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Elizabeth LaScala PhD
, College Admission and Carrier Planning
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Harold Jules Hoyle, Ph. D., Ask Doctor Harold
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