Page A 1 From flags to vintage planes, it was a flying Fourth in OrindaLocal residents asked to reduce water usage
Page A 4 - A 5 Town agrees to reformatted Wedgewood Weddings lease agreementALERTWildfire cameras give Lamorinda first responders the edge during fire seasonMoraga renegotiates Mulberry Tree Preschool lease agreement
Page A 6 - A 7 Orinda gets new chipper, funded by Measure R, into service for fire seasonFriends succeed in raising more than $500K; purchase of Moraga Adobe assured25A Orinda Way about to break ground and, unfortunately, a newly repaved streetOrinda sets aside over $100K to improve Brookwood Road after fuels mitigation
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Exercises in Moraga train area firefighters and reduce flammable fuelsLafayette Police BlotterMoraga Police BlotterOrinda Police BlotterLafayette School District governing board appoints new memberOrinda Books summer reading challenge is underwayLetters to the editor
Page A10 - B1 Campo grad publishes children's book to honor his late motherFree SMC Museum of Art exhibition through July 11
Page B2 - B3
A fun twist to the lemon bar traditionThe illusion of 'test optional' collegesThe beat goes on! How to get back on track with your post-pandemic financial planning'Midsummer Synergies' comes to Moraga July 14'The Silent Revolution' ('Das schweigende Klassenzimmer'): coming of age during the Cold WarLooking Good in Lamorinda
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